Confidential, supportive,
and non-jugdmental.
Our teen program
Womankind has a vibrant teen program specializing in gentle first exams, birth control, treatment of menstrual problems, sexually transmitted infections & HIV (including testing and treatment, disease prevention, and risk reduction), emergency contraception, and decision-making.
We care about you and are dedicated to helping you prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
Use this page to find resources and advice on everything from contraception, STIs, the body, relationships, pregnancy, abortion, sexuality education, and more.

Come visit us if...
This section includes advice on everything from contraception, STIs, the body, relationships, pregnancy, sexuality education, and more.

IUD (invisible & easy)
Implant (invisible & effective)
Shot (long-lasting & private)
Patch (change weekly)
Pill (take monthly)
Condom (inexpensive & protect against STIs)
Diaphragm (no hormone effect)
Spermicide (easy & no hormones)
Emergency contraception (possibility of prevention after)
Withdrawal (free but unreliable)
Kenzie Everett is the Primary Prevention Coordinator for the Domestic Abuse Shelter, INC. DAS services all of Monroe County for victims and survivors of domestic violence. Kenzie goes into all the schools in Monroe county and teaches kids from grades preK-12 about teen dating violence and healthy relationships. Using curriculum created by the Florida Coalition Against Domestic Violence, kids are educated on so many important topics.
Experiencing dating violence? Are you are an educator who would like someone to come in and speak to the kids? Contact Kenzie 305-743-5452